The Retirement Lifestyle For You May Include Creative Ways To Continue To Work

The way one retires is a personal decision. Many people may be financially secure to stop working and live the proverbial “life of leisure.” Leisure, however, may not be the same for everyone. Often continuing to work in some capacity is what brings even greater fulfillment to retirement.

Figuring out a retirement lifestyle is a great exercise. An excellent place to start this self-examination is looking at how you like to spend your leisure time. Are you passionate about traveling, learning new skill sets, donating your time to helping others, or spending more time with family and friends?

By looking closely at one’s readiness to retire, personality traits, and lifestyle choices, there are a few retirement styles to consider that include continuing to work. Below are several character types who found various work styles to be an enriching addition to their financial security in retirement.

Complacent Connie Continues Working In Their Same Capacity

Some people desire to continue working in their given field even though they are financially prepared to retire. This person enjoys their work and is happy to keep up the momentum and the accumulation of wealth.

The “Complacent Connie” might also find little interest in starting a new career path, so continuing to grow where they are offers both emotional and financial rewards. Maintaining the same lifestyle is the most common delayed retirement and supports the concept that “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.”

Opportunistic Ollie Pays Their Wisdom Forward In Work

This retiree realizes they have 40+ years of expert experience to pay forward to the next generations. Companies appreciate these leaders as they offer unique insight from a person within the organization.

The “Opportunistic Ollie” veteran often warrants top dollar from the open market and secures even greater salaries than previous years. This plan is advantageous for those still looking for top executive positions and those with too much energy to stop now. Continuing to work at this momentum also contributes to the savings of financially affluent retirement goals who want to earn an additional six or seven figures for a few more years. 

Lifestyle Lucy Slows Down The Work Pace To Manage Well Being

There are those individuals who are financially and emotionally ready to retire but seek a new work style. Reducing the everyday stress of a grueling workplace is essential, but they still desire to work in a more manageable way.

Consulting or mentoring are good alternative career paths for the “Lifestyle Lucy” retiree. The extra income from this type of work can cover luxury expenses without touching retirement savings. And consulting can be an exciting challenge that leverages individual talents without the drain on mental health. This slower retirement option is excellent for many as it generally stops them from drawdown for a few more years and helps solidify the retirement picture.

Challenge Charlie Retires By Continuing Education Or Pursuing An Unmet Goal

Then there is the retiree ready to stop work to follow their lifelong passion for continuing their higher education. Many of the “Challenge Charlie” types receive a Ph.D. and sometimes continue with a new career in academia. 

Education is often considered a life challenge as it is an accomplishment that is easier to pursue following working years. However, for the Charlie’s of the world, that unmet achievement may also be seeking a new business or following another passion that was perhaps too risky in previous years. 

The mentality of this retiree is “no regrets.” Climbing new proverbial mountains in your 60’s is a great way to follow the dreams of your youth without the added pressure to save for retirement.

Passion Patty Works Outwardly By Giving Back

Some people thrive on reaching the time in their life when they may finally give of themselves to a charity or an organization in a meaningful way. The “Passion Patty” retiree has the financial security at this point that allows them to work for the betterment of others. This person’s financial freedom when donating their time gives them a greater sense of humanity.

Giving time to one’s passions is a beautiful way to retire in a meaningful manner. This kind of charitable work may also bring in a few extra dollars that can be used for fun or perhaps recirculated for acts of goodwill. 

Free Franny Retires By Living Their Free Time And Free Will  

Retiring for the “Free Franny” type exemplifies what culture imagines retirement to be. This person embraces their financial freedom and pursues a life of their desired leisure. If they choose to work, that is a decision that comes as they explore their new freedom.

The general mindset for “Free Franny” is to explore their new world and contemplate their next chapter openly. This newfound freedom is ideal for someone ready to live what they consider their happiest life. 

Determining The Right Retirement Lifestyle Has To Work For The Retiree

Surprisingly, retirement is a highly emotional and transitory time in many lives. While it may seem easy to stop working, this option is not what their heart or mind desires for many.

The goal in retirement is to come to a time when the retiree has the wealth, health, and happiness to live with greater ease. And for some, the comfort is continuing what they do with less emotional burden or pursuing other dreams yet to be achieved. 

With all the unpredictability in retirement, delaying drawdown or saving more is always a good thing. A trusted financial advisor can help in this decision-making as they are hopefully lifelong partners who know your passions and ability to live your best life financially. The beautiful aspect of retiring is that the decision is uniquely yours.