Acne is a common skincare problem around the world. While it is normal to have them during teenage years, adult acne becomes an issue — it could also be indicative of an underlying health condition. It is, hence, advisable to get it checked by a doctor.

Nonetheless, there is also no harm in finding out about the tips and tricks that can help control it, and get rid of the issue altogether. Mostly, acne is a result of poor skincare habits and eating problems. A balanced lifestyle that includes clean eating, staying hydrated and using the right skincare products, along with staying physically active, can help.

Ruchita Acharya, the founder of Glow and Green, a beauty content platform, says the ancient science of Ayurveda combines modern lifestyles and health-conscious habits with natural substances, medicines, and herbs to help us live a disease-free and healthy life.

“The primary objective of Ayurveda is to restore the individual’s balance between mind, body and spirit. This provides us with the information that we need to cure our diseases, including acne and other skin-related issues,” she says.

Acharya shares a quick and easy remedy that — she claims — will not only help with your acne, but also save money.

“Aloe vera is effective and cost efficient. Besides antioxidants, enzymes, and vitamins A and C, its anti-inflammatory properties are exceptionally strong, making it a promising treatment for acne that manifests in inflammatory blemishes, such as pustules and nodules. Aloe vera is beneficial for gently cleansing the skin. It is an antiseptic that prevents bacteria from spreading. Polysaccharides and gibberellins are found in it, and in addition to helping with the growth of new cells, they reduce inflammation and redness. As an astringent, it shrinks the pores by flushing excess sebum, dirt, and microbes out. Acne, as well as burns and dry skin, can be treated with it,” she explains.

How to use aloe vera for acne

Find an aloe vera plant, cut it in half, and using a cotton swab, directly apply the gel on your pimple. Or buy a bottled variety from a health store and apply it according to the instructions provided.

Try this method for 10-15 days to see the results. Add this to your daily routine and see the effects for yourself!

While aloe vera does not have any side effects, make sure you are not allergic to it, the expert cautions.

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