Greenville women fight traditional gender roles, lack societal support

Brandy Patterson Singleton grew up in a household where her mom stayed home to take care of the family — something she never pictured herself doing.

“My mom laid my dad’s clothes out for him every morning to go to work and everything else to care for the family. She did it all,” Singleton said.

Singleton, a 41-year-old wife and mother from Williamston, is the director of community impact at the United Way of Anderson County, and she has been married to her husband, Jodie, who works for the Postal Service, for 19 years.

They have four sons who are adopted, ages 13 to 19.

Their household labor is managed through team effort — to reduce stress while both parents work full time.

Greenville women fight traditional gender roles, lack societal support

The Singletons, like many other families in the Upstate and nationwide, are trying to stray from the traditional household gender roles that have been around since the 1950s, roles that can result in a struggle to avoid burnout.

“As a husband-and-wife team, if you don’t share the household work, there is no way you don’t burn out,” Brandy said. “It is absolutely impossible for one person to take on all that and maintain a healthy mental health.”