Acidity is a common problem that most people experience at some point or another. It usually manifests as a burning sensation in the chest that leads to restlessness and irritability. A number of factors like stressful lifestyle and injudicious eating can lead to acidity.
However, with few simple lifestyle changes, you can prevent acidity. Ayurvedic expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar, said, “First step towards treating a disease is to prevent it as prevention is better than cure”.
She shared few preventive measures in an Instagram post.
*Avoid excessive spicy, sour, salty, fermented, fried and fast food.
*Do not overeat.
*Try to stay away from sour fruits.
*Do not remain hungry for long hours if that causes acidity.
*Don’t skip meals (never a lunch).
*Avoid untimely and irregular eating.
*Have early dinners.
*Avoid foods containing an excess amount of garlic, salt, oil, chillies, etc. very often. It’s best to avoid non-vegetarian foods.
*Avoid lying down immediately after food and in the supine position. The best-recommended position is left lateral (vamkukshi).
*Avoid smoking, alcohol, tea, coffee and aspirin type drugs.
*The last and very important factor is to avoid stress.
However, if you are already suffering from the consequences, the expert shared few easy home remedies that can treat your acidity.
*Sip on coriander water throughout the day.
*Chew half tsp of fennel seeds post meals.
*Drink coconut water.
*You can even drink fennel sharbat (juice) in the afternoon (fennel + rock sugar/misri).
*Have a handful of soaked raisins on an empty stomach.
*Have lukewarm milk at bedtime with 1 tsp of cow’s ghee (also helps with insomnia and constipation).
*Drink rosewater and mint water as they are cooling and also help in digestion.
*Fruits: Sweet pomegranates, bananas, stewed apples, plums, raisins, apricots, coconut (choose your local).
She also suggested Ayurvedic herbs that can be eaten after a doctor’s consultation.
*Amla: Either as fruit, juice or powder.
*Shatavari: With milk at bedtime.
*Yastimadhu (Licorice root powder): Works best for acidity (not for hypertensive patients).
*Aloe vera juice: 20- 25 ml on empty stomach.
She advised, “Take enough rest, drink enough water, have sound sleep, practice yoga, pranayama, meditation and exercise regularly”. “Sheetali, Shitkari, Anuloma viloma and Bhramari are the best pranayam for acidity,” she added.
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